I Surrender, I Receive

I Surrender, I Receive


I surrender and receive
Love’s healing power

Transforming, unifying with
Love’s healing energy feel

Surrendering, receiving, ah-u
Giving, healing, hmm

Aum Aum




I Surrender, I Receive

Songsheet and score PDF

In The Deepest Part

In the deepest part
In the deepest part
Of my heart
In the deepest part

I Am Opening To Love

I am opening to Love
Like a flower to the sun
Truth and joy delight my heart
And the space all around

I Am The Living Earth

I am the living earth
I feel it in my bones
I am the living earth
I feel it in my bones

Songs Of The Heart

Thank You for this new day
A-hey, a-heya
The turning Earth
And the rising Sun

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